Our Mission
The Kansas City Blackhawks (KCBPA) is a local chapter of the Black Pilots of America. Our mission is to enable Black Americans to fully participate in all aviation opportunities.
Goals & Objectives
- Develop Chapter capabilities required to fulfill mission.
- Promote Pilot Proficiency
- Provide youth aviation exposure and opportunities
Learn About Our Exciting Activities & Events!
The Kansas City Chapter enjoys using our airplanes for group fly outs. In the past year, in addition to many local flights, we have flown to Pine Bluff, Council Bluffs, Memphis, St Louis, Wichita, and Topeka. Sometimes these trips involve an overnight stay, but usually they are day trips where we enjoy the flight and the comraderie.
The Kansas City BPA Chapter partnered with the Red Tail Academy, the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees, and the Kansas City Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen to coduct an aviation based STEM camp. Twenty-five students were engaged in hands on activities and tours for one week. We concluded the week with airplane rides for the students.
Whether you interested in getting started in aviation or have many years experience in the field, the Kansas City Chapter provides an opportunity to expand your aviation knowledge and experience. Our members have many years flying experience, as well as air traffic control, aircraft maintenance, and aircraft ownership. These resources can be leveraged to to develop and enhance your aviation knowledge and skills.
Teaching youth the fundamental basics of aviation along with the essential skills to be successful in the field are key focus areas focus.
We begin our winter Aeronautical review sessions in January. These sessions are open to anyone and are held online via Zoom. They are targeted toward student pilots and anyone who wants to refresh their aeronautical knowledge.
Contact us to learn more!
Hands on opportunities to build and fly model aircraft is part of our program. We also can help you learn how to safely operate unmanned aerial systems (drones), as well as earn your FAA certification. We currently have two members who are certified airframe and powerplant mechanics (A&P). These members can provide hands on guidance in developing the skills and knowledge required to maintain an airplane.
Meet Our Leadership Team
Tony Stricklin - President
Tony joined the chapter in 2018 and began his flying lessons that year. He earned a private pilot certificate 10 months later. In 2021 he purchased a single engine Piper aircraft.
John Kemp - Treasurer
John joined the chapter in 2022. He earned his private pilot certificate in September 2023. He owns a Beechcraft Sundowner.
David Toliver - Secretary
David holds a commercial pilot certificate with Single engine, Multi-engine, and Instrument ratings. He also holds an Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI) Certificate.
Dr. Larry Midgett - Chief Pilot
Larry is a former Air Force officer. He holds airplane and rotorcraft certificates.